


Aedas Arts Team designed and delivered an extension to Matcham's Belfast Grand Opera House, creating an all-day destination, rethinking the way public spaces work and dissolving their boundaries between performance areas and the foyers.The extension houses a 150-seat studio theatre plus casual performance spaces, all of which flow "as one" with the foyers, sharing technology. The aim is to persuade people to come early and stay late by creating a hub of activity at all times of the day. The foyers remain open after performances encouraging people to linger.Metal gauze and frosted glass – ideal materials for dramatic lighting and theatrical effects – are used on the exterior of the public entrance, designed to foster a sense of openness and liveliness.

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What we do / Architecture / Mixed use / Xihongmen Mixed-use Development, Da Xing District
Belfast Grand Opera House

Aedas Arts Team designed and delivered an extension to Matcham's Belfast Grand Opera House, creating an all-day destination, rethinking the way public spaces work and dissolving their boundaries between performance areas and the foyers.The extension houses a 150-seat studio theatre plus casual performance spaces, all of which flow "as one" with the foyers, sharing technology. The aim is to persuade people to come early and stay late by creating a hub of activity at all times of the day. The foyers remain open after performances encouraging people to linger.

Metal gauze and frosted glass – ideal materials for dramatic lighting and theatrical effects – are used on the exterior of the public entrance, designed to foster a sense of openness and liveliness.

What we do / Architecture / Mixed use / Xihongmen Mixed-use Development, Da Xing District
Belfast Grand Opera House
What we do / Architecture / Mixed use / Xihongmen Mixed-use Development, Da Xing District